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Patient Participation Group

Did you know that your practice has a Patient Participation Group open to all patients registered at the practice? It’s purpose is to give patients a voice, to work with the practice to help make improvements and provide a patient perspective on how the practice works for them.

It also provides information from healthcare professionals employed from both within the practice and the wider NHS together with other allied organisations. It meets at the surgery about every eight weeks in an upstairs room, on a varied rota of a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, commencing at 17:45 and lasting approximately one to one and a half hours.

The 14th November meeting has been postponed, a new date to be confirmed.

Please below for the latest PPG minutes:

We often have speakers, sometimes from within the practice, other times guest speakers. Topics include matters that are related to general practice, the wider NHS, a range of common health conditions, social care, wellbeing etc.

All you need is:

  • To have an interest in the way this practice, the wider NHS and social care system works and develops, including learning about common health condition related topics.
  • To be able to listen and respect other peoples’ views, politely express your own views and be able to see both sides of a story.

We occasionally organise events for the benefit of patients, the current one being a health and wellbeing event with various external organisations in attendance.

You can find out more by looking at our terms of reference.

How to join our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

Important: Please note

Access to the meeting room is via a staircase only.